Today: NOM’s 24-Hour Dump Starbucks Fundraising Drive. Latte, Anyone?

Today is NOM‘s 24-hour Dump Starbucks fundraising drive. Let’s all go to Starbucks and show our support! Today, to show my support, I’ll be working from my local Starbucks in Manhattan’s Hell’s Kitchen part of the day.

NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, is hell-bent on shoving their religious views down everyone’s throats, and don’t even care if they (and their readers) end up promoting a video of a convicted child abuser on their NOM Blog and on Twitter via tweets by NOM President Brian Brian to do so.

NOM President Brian Brown yesterday wrote that “over 40,000 people have signed our DumpStarbucks.com petition to send a powerful message to Starbucks that their entry into the culture war corporately pushing same-sex marriage WILL have consequences.”

Ohhh — scary! of course, NOM’s Dump Starbucks campaign has been a tremendous failure, as the New Civil Rights Movement wrote just a few weeks ago, when we discovered they had a mere 35,709 “pledges.”

NOM, in their utter and total idiocy, says that Starbucks “has taken a corporate-wide position that the definition of marriage between one man and one woman should be eliminated and that same-sex marriage should become equally ‘normal’.”

NOM stupidly writes:

On January 24th, 2012, Starbucks issued a memorandum declaring that same-sex marriage ‘is core to who we are and what we value as a company. [sic]

Of course, here’s the full context of Starbucks’ statement:

Dear partners,

Starbucks is proud to join other leading Northwest employers in support of Washington State legislation recognizing marriage equality for same-sex couples. Starbucks strives to create a company culture that puts our partners first, and our company has a lengthy history of leading and supporting policies that promote equality and inclusion.

This important legislation is aligned with Starbucks business practices and upholds our belief in the equal treatment of partners. It is core to who we are and what we value as a company. 

See the difference?

NOM’s Brian Brown adds:

We need 50,000…75,000…100,000 people to join us in sending a powerful message that the elites in industry, politics and the media cannot possibly ignore.

And that is why I’m launching a 24-hour Dump Starbucks fundraising drive tomorrow. We need to raise $50,000 to promote our petition to new audiences and exponentially increase the impact we’re having on corporate titans who are increasingly dismissive of the concerns and beliefs of the vast majority of Americans.


Starbucks needs to listen to their customers—both domestically and internationally. DumpStarbucks.com has been launched in Arabic, Chinese and Spanish among others…and now we’re poised to make an incredible multi-national impact!

That “incredible multi-national impact,” of course, means that NOM and Brown have to turn to countries that support the killing of gay people for being gay.


Final note: Donations for the fundraiser “are deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.”

Yeah. Exactly.


Watch: Starbucks Shareholders Slam Anti-Gay NOM Plant, Applaud Equality

NOM’s Newest Lie: Starbucks Wants To Eliminate Traditional Marriage

Hat-tip: Jane Wishon

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