Time For Gay-Bashing Bill Donohue To Just Button His Lip

In a recent Catholic League press release, the pathological gay basher Bill Donohue once again sought to stigmatize all gay human beings.

The main topic of the press release, actually, was a joke Jay Leno had told about a priest who secretly had fathered children.

Yet, Donohue falsely alleged that Jay Leno never tells jokes about gay people.

Here is how Donohue chose to convey that false idea: “The rate of HIV/AIDS among homosexuals is 50 times higher than in the rest of the population, yet Leno would never tell a joke at their expense.”

For reference, here is one example of Jay Leno telling a gay-themed joke, and here is another. Here for further reference is Jay Leno making a joke about a lesbian bondage club.

The question arises, why — in the context of falsely alleging that Leno never tells jokes about gay people — did Donohue mention HIV infection rates?

Donohue has a history of fraudulent demonization of gay human beings, and his organization has financial motivations for stigmatizing gay people and keeping them oppressed. For these reasons, it strains credulity to imagine that Donohue talked about HIV infection rates in his press release without malignant intent against gay people. One could additionally wonder, if Donohue’s aim was to complain about Leno’s jokes about priests fathering children, why did he mention gay people at all? He stated he did so because Leno would never tell a joke about gay people — but Leno does tell jokes about gay people.

So what exactly were Donohue’s motivations for mentioning homosexuals, period, and specifically for associating them with HIV infections?  This reporter asked Mr. Donohue if he acknowledges that Jay Leno has, in fact, told gay-themed jokes; Mr. Donohue provided no response to that question.

Objectively considered, the Catholic Church has no genuine and science-based interest in reducing HIV transmission rates. Counter to everything known about human psychology, it recommends for gay people to abstain from sex for life — and it applies that ridiculous condition, even to gay couples not infected with HIV who wish to spend their lives together, married. Counter to all science on the efficacy of safe sex practices in preventing HIV transmission, the Church is opposed to the use of condoms. And counter to the scientific knowledge that anti-gay stigma and discrimination contribute to the HIV crisis, the Catholic Church continues very actively to perpetuate anti-gay stigma and discrimination.

In sum then, there was no necessity for Donohue to mention gay people, period, in order for his complaint about Leno to be made, Donohue lied about Leno never telling gay-themed jokes, and he appears to have thrown in an HIV infection statistic by way of a sidelong smear against all gay human beings.

New York City– based novelist and freelance writer Scott Rose’s LGBT– interest by– line has appeared on Advocate .com, PoliticusUSA .com, The New York Blade, Queerty .com, Girlfriends and in numerous additional venues. Among his other interests are the arts, boating and yachting, wine and food, travel, poker and dogs. His “Mr. David Cooper’s Happy Suicide” is about a New York City advertising executive assigned to a condom account.

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