Thursday: Occupy Wall Street Massive Day Of Non-Violent Direct Action

Occupy Wall Street is planning a massive day of non-violent direct action on Thursday, November 17, the two month anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Saying they will “we will exchange stories rather than stocks,” the Occupy Wall Street 99% are planning to shut down Wall Street at 7:00 AM, when many of the Wall Street 1% are going to work. The Occupy Wall Street Movement also plans on occupying the subways in New York City starting at 3:00 PM, and then moving their attention to Boston’s Foley Square at 5:00 PM.

OWS also plans events in Portland, Spain, Belgium, and Germany.

Stuart Wilber. Photo by Mathew Ryan Williams


Stuart Wilber believes that living life openly as a Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender or Allied person is the most powerful kind of activism. Shortly after meeting his partner in Chicago in 1977, he opened a gallery named In a Plain Brown Wrapper, where he exhibited cutting edge work by leading artists; art that dealt with sexuality and gender identification. In the late 1980’s when they moved to San Clemente, CA in Orange County, life as an openly gay couple became a political act. They moved to Seattle 16 years ago and married in Canada a few weeks after British Columbia legalized same-sex marriage. Although legally married in some countries, they are only considered domestic partners in Washington State.  Equality continues to elude him.

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