This Year, GOP War On Women Includes Fake Valentine’s Day Cards

Seriously, the GOP is so damn stupid. Remember the days of the Republican National Committee under Michael Steele — at least before he was exiled to Hawaii? Remember the “Fire Nancy Pelosi” bus tour and accompanying website? Now the RNC has paid for this stupid website to rile up the base’s hatred of Obama and Democrats — and love of the GOP’s War on Women — and it offers fake Valentine’s Day cards featuring Barack Obama, Joe Biden, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, former DNC Chair Tim Kaine, Kathleen Sebelius, Janet Napolitano, etc.

Yes, now you too can join the GOP War on Women by sending a Kathleen Sebelius anti-choice Valentine’s Day card, or join the GOP War on Women by sending a Valentine’s Day card that basically calls Debbie Wasserman Schultz a bitch.

Then there’s the option of sending a Valentine’s day card that makes fun of Dennis Kuchinich’s height, or one that makes fun of Joe Biden’s speech impediment, or…

This, of course, just makes Democrats look like the only adults in the room, but then again, it was meant to appeal to the GOP base…

UPDATE: Now, video:


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