This Week

Just a quick update for The New Civil Rights Movement readers.

This week I’ll be looking back at some events I think deserve a more in-depth examination, like the current pedophilia scandal surrounding the Vatican. I’ll be re-visiting the porn-as content conversation my resignation from Bilerico on Friday started, and I’ll be introducing a new feature, suggested by a reader who reminded me April is poetry month, and that there are many LGBTQ poets whose work deserves to be shared.

I’ll also me taking time to finish answering all the emails I received in support of my decision to step down from Bilerico. While they are of course private, I will share that a great many were from my fellow LGBTQ bloggers, and every single email was in support of both my decision and against porn-as-content, and the greater issue of credibility and respectability. So, if I’ve yet to respond, forgive me, I will shortly, and thank you all for your support, starting and ending with my partner, whose strength and clarity were a great help and comfort.

I’ll also be highlighting some reader’s comments that I found exceptionally smart and on-target, in the hopes of generating more conversation here and over at our Facebook fan page, where I’m happy to say we just passed the 1600 fans mark! I hope you’re one of them.

As we’re approaching the April 15th tax deadline, I’ll also be looking at the (im)moral obligation of taxation without full citizenship rights members of the LGBTQ community experience, and, I’ll be working on my own taxes…

I’ll also be introducing you to some thoughts and plans I have about where to take The New Civil Rights Movement, and I’ll give you a bit of a teaser: it involves you, and a lot more than just me.

That said, regardless of your personal faith choices and beliefs, I hope everyone had a good Easter weekend.

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