The Worst Thing Obama Has Ever Said? Apparently, America Is “Lucky”

What is the worst thing President Obama has ever said? Apparently, that America is “lucky.” So says Bryan Fischer, the public face of the certified anti-gay hate group, American Family Association, who told his listeners that President Obama’s Thanksgiving message — which said the President and his family consider themselves lucky, but didn’t specifically use the word “God,” was the worst thing President Obama has ever said.

Kyle Mantyla at Right Wing Watch offers this video and a few thoughts:

On yesterday’s episode of “Focal Point,” Bryan Fischer went all Peter Griffin on President Obama’s Thanksgiving message because he dared to say that he and his family, like millions of Americans, would spend the day “reflecting on how truly lucky we are.”


Fortunately, Jon Stewart had a few words about the Right’s ridiculous freak out about Obama’s Thanksgiving message.


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