The Problem Isn’t Obama – The Problem May Be You: Part II

Yesterday, we reported that there is a large disparity between the percent of registered and likely voters, and if registered voters actually vote, Obama would win in a landslide.

Among registered voters, President Obama is winning, 50% to Mitt Romney‘s 43%. That’s an excellent margin.

So, what’s the problem?

Likely voters.

Among likely voters — those who are registered but for whatever reason: a hair appointment, too many meetings, lack of desire to invest a few hours in line to vote, apathy, etc. — President Obama is essentially tied with Mitt Romney: 49% to 48%.

Today, more proof, and, sorry to say, the problem isn’t Obama, it’s you — if you don’t vote.

In “Republicans Increasingly Positive About Campaign,” the Pew Research Center (Pew Polls) notes:

Over the past month, the increase in the percentage saying the campaign is interesting has come entirely among Republicans and independents. In the new survey, conducted before Monday’s debate, 73% of Republicans say the campaign is interesting, up 23 points since early September and by far the highest percentage of the year. More independents also view the campaign as interesting (56% today, 45% in September).

The percentage of Democrats who say the campaign is interesting, which jumped 19 points between June and September, is unchanged since then (66%).


But it’s the image, above that truly illustrates this problem.

If presidential politics aren’t interesting enough for someone (I’m certain no one who reads The New Civil Rights Movement!) then ask them to think about the future in terms of a President Romney, who will actively work to take away rights, including same-sex couples’ hospital visitation rights, same-sex marriage, Obamacare, access to abortion, and who will appoint radical, extreme right wing judges to the Supreme Court.

Maybe then they’ll find it “interesting.”

Of course, by then, it will be too late.

Sometimes, for some folks, politics and voting is like taking your vitamins. You’re not certain it works. But if you don’t take your vitamins, or if you don’t vote, you may find a different reality, one that was so easy to prevent.

I think we need to make voting a group project.

Many people don’t want to stand in line alone.

Why not make it a group project?

With cocktails, or coffee, or dinner, after?

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