The Most Stupid, Ugly, Nasty Conservative Response To Clinton’s Blood Clot?

Ann Althouse, a conservative extremist, blogger, and law professor whose work I occasionally read when it hits Memeorandum, today is attacking Hillary Clinton over the news of a blood clot that has landed the outgoing Secretary of State in the hospital.

Blood clots are nasty, potentially fatal conditions that especially affect people who fly frequently, or are prone to long stretches of sitting, say, in cramped quarters, or are confined to bed during a prolonged illness.

READ: Conservatives Claim Hillary Clinton Blood Clot, Hospitalization Faked

The State Department reports Secretary Clinton over the past four years has flown 956,733 miles, including 2084.21 hours of air flight, visiting 112 countries.

Personally, when I hear “blood clot,” I think back to beloved NBC journalist David Bloom, who died of a blood clot when he was only 39-years old, covering the Iraq war in 2003.

Sarcastically writing, “The woman is ill. Only a clod would say a clot was a plot,” Althouse adds:

We weren’t told the site of said blood clot. Was it her brain (recently concussed)? Was it her leg (where she had a blood clot back in 1998)? The former is a big deal, the latter, not so much. Why not specify the site, since it make such a big difference, medically? Oh, but we’re told we must not display any skepticism, any hint of suspicion that the SOS is trying to avoid having to testify about Benghazi.

She adds this:

The suppression of information — the site of the clot — suggests 2 radically different theories: 1. fakery/exaggeration to evade testimony, or 2. something horribly serious.

And Althouse continues, choosing of all things, this event in our nation’s history:

Maybe you can remember — if not, guess! — how sensitive we were to Nixon’s phlebitis, which conveniently flared up in the midst of Watergate. Ha! That bastard thinks he can get our sympathy. Pathetic! (That’s what I said at the time.)

What does Althouse leave out?

Richard Nixon died in 1994 of a blood clot that led to a stroke and coma.


Image by Ann Althouse via Flickr

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