The Homosexual Activist Political Indoctrination Agenda

Via the good folks at Right Wing Watch, this horrific video excerpt of Liberty Counsel’s J. Matt Barber explaining that gay (“homosexual”) teens succumb to suicide because he tells them they are immoral.

“Barber railed against the alleged use of “a ‘Trojan Horse’ strategy, using language of bullying and violence and creating safe schools” to implement “a homosexual activist political indoctrination agenda and a curriculum of pro-homosexual propaganda.” Barber also said that Obama is “furthering a separate but equal policy” that supposedly favors gay and lesbian students and employs an “Alinsky-style, homo-fascist tactic to stifle any dissent.” Barber concluded by claiming that “kids who are engaging in homosexual behavior often look inward and know that what they are doing is unnatural, is wrong, is immoral, and so they become depressed and the instances of suicide can rise there as well.”

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