Thanks, Joe!

Thanks, Joe!

Joe Jervis, better known as Joe.My.God., is an awesome blogger and activist who has served our community well for many years. I had the honor of meeting him a few weeks ago at the gay marriage vote protest rally in New York City’s Union Square. He was there, standing in the crowd. A few friends and I went up and chatted with him. (He even offered to take our picture!) He was friendly, warm, with no pretensions – something you might not expect from a respected journalist at the forefront of the LGBTQ movement.

Joe.My.God. is an excellent, award-winning blog that I read not just daily, but almost hourly. Yesterday, Joe posted an “open thread,” and mentioned this blog. Here’s what he said of The New Civil Rights Movement:

“…By David Badash, a NYC-based activist and the creator of the Great Nationwide Kiss-In. LGBT news, politics, opinion, and activism. And very smart.”


Just, wow.

Thanks doesn’t say enough, but, thanks, Joe.

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