Thank You Sir, May I Have Another?

Maggie Gallagher’s NOM Thanks Colbert For Embarrassing Them



No lie: HuffPo reports that Maggie Gallagher and her partner-in-slime Brian Brown sent Stephen Colbert a thank you letter for mocking their despicable “Gathering Storm” video by making his own.

“I’ve always thought Stephen Colbert was a double-agent, pretending to pretend to be a conservative, to pull one over Hollywood. Now I’m sure,” said Maggie Gallagher, President of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM).

“Thank you Stephen for playing our ad in full on national television–for free. HRC eat your heart out. Plus we all had a great chuckle, too!” said Brian Brown, NOM’s Executive Director. “Where can I make a donation to the National Organization for Colbert?”

Well, Maggie, if that’s what you want, I know a little song you might enjoy.

And you can watch Stephen, here:

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