Tennessee Principal Who Told Gay Students “You’re Going To Hell” Quits

Dorothy Bond, the Tennessee principal who told gay students they’re going to hell and told girls if they get pregnant their lives are over, has quit. Once the news of Bond’s comments were publicized, the ACLU got involved, and is following up to ensure all student’s free speech rights at Haywood High School in Brownsville, Tennessee are respected. The district has already appointed an interim principal.

Bond also reportedly had told gay students they were “ruining their lives,” and were “not on God’s path.”

“Haywood County School District’s swift action makes it clear that they do not condone the type of harassment and targeted discrimination that was taking place at the high school,” the ACLU said. “We applaud the Haywood County School District for affirming students’ right to be who they are and to be free from bullying by school leadership.”

The Jackson Sun has an extensive article including reactions — pro and con — from local residents. The Jackson Sun’s Facebook page also has several discussions.

The Leaf Chronicle adds:

The published policies of the Haywood County schools list “physical contact” as a minor infraction. But students complained to the ACLU that during a Feb. 9 school assembly, Bond said that gay students showing affection could face 60-day suspensions, assignments to an alternative school or expulsion.

The ACLU also said Bond has incorporated prayers and proselytizing into school events and once told a lesbian student that she would go to hell.

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