Ted Nugent Is “Repulsed” By Gay Sex – “It Is Against Nature” (Video)

Extreme right-wing activist and Second Amendment advocate, guitarist Ted Nugent said he is “repulsed at the concept of man on man sex,” said he thinks it’s “against nature,” and “strange as hell,” and paused when he was asked if “morally” he wouldn’t mind if one of his children were gay, but said it is “inconsequential,” Wednesday night on CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight.” The 62 year-old Nugent lied about his position on gays, saying he believes in “live and let live,” despite earlier written statements to the contrary. And yes, he made the “I have friends that are gay” statement.

Last month, in response to Lakers basketball star Kobe Bryant’s use of an anti-​gay slur, Nugent penned an op-ed for the Washington Times, in which he claimed the term “fucking fag” — which Kobe Bryant admitted uttering, and subsequently apologized for  — is “what the NBA thinks is a derogatory, ugly and vile name.” Nugent added that he believes that “homosexuals [are] the most protected class of people in America.”

READ: Ted Nugent Attacks The NBA, Gays, And America Over Kobe’s $100,000 Fine

In the Times op-ed, Nugent wrote, again, “Homosexuals are a protected class in America,” adding, “If you think what happened to Mr. Bryant was a travesty, just wait until you see what homosexuals in the military do when they claim they have been mistreated because of their sexual orientation.”

“If the NBA had any true gay convictions, the NBA should host a Homosexual Night,” Nugent wrote, in what is perhaps the most stereotypically-​offensive portion of his Washington Times screed. “During halftime, the homosexuals could come down on the court, hold hands and prance around the court to music by the Village People. The NBA could then give each homosexual a pink basketball as a symbol of solidarity.”


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