Tea Party: Steve Jobs Was A Republican

The Tea Party knows no shame, and now is attempting to claim the late and great Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who passed away just not even two weeks ago, as one of their own. That’s right. A post at uber-birther Obama hater Judson Phillips’ Tea Party Nation asks, “Was Steve Jobs a closet Republican?” Good grief!

In typical right-wing conservative mode, the post asks lots of questions and offers no answers.

The reasons they suggest that made Jobs a Republican?

Steve Jobs “epitomized American exceptionalism,” he “had a mean streak,” he “didn’t run his business according to the moralistic codes of the socially responsible school of capitalism; and he was apparently too “hard-hearted” to donate a significant portion of his income towards uplifting the downtrodden, healing/housing/feeding the poverty-stricken, or bettering the lives of the otherwise pitiable.”

Obviously, the Tea Party has never heard of Google:

Apple Donates Refurbed Original iPads To Teach For America 

Apple Donates $250000 to Children’s Discovery Museum

Apple donates $100000 to fight same-sex marriage ban

Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ wife donates to [Democrat] Otis Rolley’s campaign

Apple Donates 100 iPod nanos to Victims of CA Wildfires

Apple Donates $1 Million, iBooks To WTC Families

Apple Donates MacPaint Source Code to Computer History Museum

Yeah, nice try, Tea Party. More:

Apple was green – that is, the company made money. Apple made money for its founders, for their employees, for investors and for the people who developed and launched other companies and services Apple products inspired or made possible. The two Steves are amongst the so-called 1% that the Occupy Wall Streeters are bellyaching about, but and they created wealth for tens of thousands of people.

Which shows how much the Tea Party does not understand Occupy Wall Street.

Occupy Wall Street isn’t against Apple, or steve Jobs or Steve Wozniak or other corporations, rather, they are against unbridled corporate greed and excess.

There’s nothing wrong with capitalism, per se. It’s the capitalists of today that are the problem.















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