Tea Party: Obama Behind Occupy Wall Street

Several times a day I get an ludicrous email from Judson Phillips, the founder of Tea Party Nation, one of the largest Tea Party groups. This morning he sent, “Is Obama Behind the Wall Street Protests?,” a blog post which posits that Obama is behind Occupy Wall Street, that the Occupy Wall Street protestors are “copycats,” that the “Liberal News Media” are covering Occupy Wall Street 24/7, and, “something had to be created to distract and divide Americans.”

Let’s look at who’s supporting this movement and why they’re pouring fuel on open flames. First “person of interest,” on the list would be Barack Obama. He’s run out of gas for his 2012 campaign and absolutely losing his Democratic base, many Hispanics refuse to back him, the Jews are irate and the youth no longer idolize him. Someone in Obama’s army had the bright idea to copy the tea party movement at least that’s the feeble excuse the Democrats are using.

Obama is egging the protestors on and encouraging them on National TV; he says the protestors don’t like the way our financial system works. What he’s saying basically is pass my jobs plan, tax the wealthy so I can continue by path to “redistribution.”

There’s a big difference between the tea parties and these copycat protestors- the copycats aren’t fighting for their Country. The tea parties are fighting to “Take Back Their Country;” they believe in the individual freedoms given to us by our forefathers as written in our Constitution. They believe in our Military, Government by the people (meaning a limited government,) securing our borders, 2nd Amendment and freedom of speech.

So Obama is the number one person of interest, let’s add Nancy Pelosi, Ben Bernanke, Tim Geithner and Joe Biden – they all have the same canned message saying they are proud of the protestors and sympathize with them. Isn’t it strange they all opted to discuss the movement at the same time?

Stage left, the Unions parade in to join their protesting friends. Next, add the Liberal News Media who is beating the “Occupy Wall Street” story to death – they just can’t get enough of it! Yet they ignore the “Fast and Furious” gunrunner program that allowed guns to walk across the border into the hands of the drug cartels? Two of our people, Brian Terry, Jaime Zapata and many Mexicans murdered and the Liberal News Media just turns their heads.

So Americans we have a staged protest probably funded by Obama, Soros, Unions and other Liberal groups. There’s much more to this movement then meets the eye – Obama’s ratings are in the tank and something had to be created to distract and divide Americans.

The Tea Party grows more delusional day by day, just as America’s support for their selfish, antiquated, out-dated, bigoted, and un-American policies weakens.


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