Tea Party Head Claims Socialism Killed A Billion People. Or, Something.

In “Embracing an ideology that killed a billion people,” Tea Party Nation head and founder Judson Phillips again stated his claim that Socialism killed a billion people, as he did over the weekend at a rally for the Restoring Common Sense tour. Or, something like that.

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Evidently, it seems, Phillips — who prefers only landowners have the right to vote, blamed gun control for the berating of a transgender woman, and is a hard-core birther — has been caught in a lie so big and of his own making, any words will do.

On Friday, Phillips — the same man who called Jared Lee Loughner, the man who tried to assassinate Gabby Giffords, a “a leftist lunatic” – “likened protesters of Gov. Scott Walker to Nazi storm troopers,” according to Politico.

Then, on Saturday, Phillips actually said, “I will tell you ladies and gentlemen, I detest and despise everything the left stands for. How anybody can endorse and embrace an ideology that has killed a billion people in the last century is beyond me.”

But in his blog post on Monday, “the left,” became “Socialism.”

Admitting his statement, “How can you embrace and endorse an ideology that has killed a billion people in the last century?,” Phillips changes it and asks, “Did socialism really kill a billion people in the last century?”

“Certain things we know. First, socialism has enslaved billions in the last century. Socialism has condemned billions to poverty and misery.


“At the time, I made an off the cuff remark. I did not have time to tell the audience, wait, I need to run to the Internet café and check this on Wikipedia.”

Because why should the words we use have any factual basis?

“A billion sounds like a good figure. After all, we know socialists love mass murder.”


“The left,” or “Socialism,” or Liberalism, or whatever.

Socialists. A billion killed. The left. Mass murder. Words, words, words. Blah, blah, blah.

“Did socialists really kill a billion people in the last century?,” Phillips continues in his blog post. “We know they tried to but did they really?”

“From 1917 to the present day, socialists have kill [sic] approximately 256 million people. To put that in perspective, that is a number of people, equal to the population of the United States in the mid-nineties.”

So, “a billion.” Or, “256 million.” Whatever. Just words.

And who are these 256 billion people Phillips claims socialists have tried to kill? There must be some police reports lying around, no?

“The left, which loves socialism, is going to run in triumph. ‘Tea Party leader admits he was wrong!’

“Of course, none of these lefty bloggers is going to be willing to deal with the concept that their ideology is an ideology of mass murder and tyranny.”

Well, Mr. Phillips, that’s because you’re a liar — or tragically and factually massively incorrect. You have no factors and have already admitted you are just tossing out words.

“Socialism must engage in terror and mass murder when it gets power. Why? For the simple reason that it cannot hold power any other way. People want freedom and liberty. They do not want tyranny.

“An ideology of mass murder and tyranny.” Oh, please. Really?

“History lists the great mass murderers of the last century and they are all socialists. From Lenin to Stalin, to Hitler to Mao, to Pol Pot, to Castro to Kim Jung Il, they are all socialists,” Phillips mistakenly claims. “There is a reason why free societies do not murder their citizens. Free societies believe in the rights given to man by God. These include the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Phillips had better get himself to a good institute of higher learning. He needs to understand what socialism is, what Market socialism is, what Marxism is, what Democratic socialism is, what Leninism is, what Libertarian socialism is, what Democratic socialism is, etc., etc., etc.

Here, Mr.Phillips. A good start.

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