Tea Party: Firing Of ‘Hanging Gays Is OK’ President ‘Cruel, Unnecessary’

Yesterday we learned about Montana’s Big Sky Tea Party president Tim Ravndal being fired over remarks he made in a Facebook wall conversation, in which he supported the hanging of homosexuals.

Here’s the clip:

Tim Ravndal: “Marriage is between a man and a woman period! By giving rights to those otherwise would be a violation of the constitution and my own rights”

Keith Baker: “How dare you exercise your First Amendment Rights?”

Dennis Scranton: “I think fruits are decorative. Hang up where they can be seen and appreciated. Call Wyoming for display instructions.”

Tim Ravndal: “@Kieth, OOPS I forgot this aint America no more! @Dennis, Where can I get that Wyoming printed instruction manual?”

Dennis Scranton: “Should be able to get info Gazette archives. Maybe even an illustration. Go back a bit over ten years.”

But of course, that’s not hatred, bigotry, homophobia, insensitivity, or, well, even unacceptable to the members of the Montana Big Sky Tea Party, many of whom are angry and claiming the remarks were taken out of context and “out-of-character.” According to an article from the Helena Independent Record, so many members — including board members — are so angry and quitting over Ravndal’s firing, the group may not survive.

Board member Bobette Madonna abstained from that vote, but said that Ravndal could have been perhaps just reprimanded and removed from leadership.

“What happened to Tim is cruel, it’s unnecessary,” said Madonna. “They’re making a fool of people who are responsible and decent.”

Many said Ravndal’s comments were manipulated by liberal and gay-rights groups and the media, and most said the image problem was exacerbated by the quick board action.

Of course, the victim here, according to Ravndal, is Ravndal, who said, “Here’s where I’m really hurt,” he said. “Where you threw me under the bus was making a statement to the press that you threw me under the bus.”

So, to clarify, according to Tea Party “values,” if you advocate for the hanging of homosexuals, if you say, “Marriage is between a man and a woman period! By giving rights to those otherwise would be a violation of the constitution and my own rights,” then you are “responsible and decent.”

If you get fired for being a bigot and a homophobe, that’s “cruel” and “unnecessary.”

As I wrote yesterday, the radical right, including the Tea Party and members of the GOP are putting inexperienced, un-educated, un-tested nobodies (and homeless people to siphon off votes) into local, state, and even national politics, and we will all suffer under their particular brand of hate, homophobia, and incompetence.


This is not the time to “teach Democrats a lesson.”

We’re fighting for our lives. Literally.

(Image is from what appears to be Tim Ravndal’s Facebook page.)

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