Susan Rice No-Go For Secretary Of State: ‘Dead In The Water’ NYT Reports

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};UN Ambassador Susan Rice is not going to be America’s next Secretary of State, according to Roger Cohen, a veteran New York Times journalist and op-ed writer. Cohen reported via Twitter tonight that he was “reliably informed” that “Susan Rice now very unlikely to be the next Secretary of State,” adding, “One source tells me ‘It’s dead in the water’.” But Cohen optimistically noted, “We’ll see.”


The Obama administration has never officially stated Rice was their choice to replace Hillary Clinton, and The New Civil Rights Movement has always believed that President Obama allowed the GOP to go into their predictable circus mode over the mere possibility, however unfounded it may have been, that Rice would be his nominee.

The distraction is classic Obama, discretely planting seeds then letting the Republicans react, as the President did last January when he rightly stood up for women by announcing a push to ensure women’s reproductive rights were respected by insurance companies.

The ensuing, predictable Republican Party response ended up rightly derailing the candidacies of many GOP candidates, over their rape comments and other neanderthal responses. Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock, and even Mitt Romney can thank their losses to that one seed that grew into a progressive resurgence.

Obama, by standing for his principles, orchestrated a Republican disaster and impressive Democratic win.

Obama likely wanted someone else for Secretary of State, possibly John Kerry, all along, and this detour was likely according to plan.

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