Supreme Court Smacks Down NOM

The Supreme Court has refused to even hear an appeal from NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, related to their consistent and repeated attempts to skirt laws requiring them to make public their list of donors.

“The high court on Monday turned aside an appeal from the National Organization for Marriage, which donated $1.9 million to a political action committee that helped repeal Maine’s same-sex marriage law,” the Boston Globe reported:

Maine’s campaign disclosure law requires groups that raise or spend more than $5,000 to influence elections to register and disclose their donors. The group says that it believes that releasing the donor list would stymie free speech, but the lower court refused to throw out the law.

SCOTUS Blog adds that “the Supreme Court on Monday refused to hear a constitutional challenge to a Maine law that requires those seeking to raise and spend money in state election campaigns to organize as a political action committee for that activity, and make significant disclosures about their financial operations.”

That was challenged in a petition, National Organization for Marriage v. McKee (11-599), after the state law was upheld by the First Circuit Court.  The NOM is an organization set up to promote the traditional view of marriage as being reserved solely for opposite-sex couples.  It argued in challenging the PAC requirement that states do not have the constitutional authority to impose such obligations unless an organization has election campaign activity as its “major purpose.”

NOM has repeatedly lost these cases in court, and in California in August was forced to plead guilty to 18 counts of violations of California election finance laws, and fined $49,000.


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