Super Bowl: Catholic League Now Believes It Owns Madonna

Catholic League president Bill Donohue apparently thinks his right as the most-outspoken bigot in Catholicism extends to those whose names mirror Christian icons. Donohue has threatened NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, demanding that Madonna (yes, ironic, isn’t it?) not be allowed to perform at the Super Bowl’s half time show. Why? Because Donohue, who spends most of his time defending pedophile priests and maligning their victims, doesn’t think Madonna will “behave.”


But what should we expect? This is the infamous Bill Donohue, who recently called rape victims of the Catholic Church’s pedophile priests “professional victims,” and “a pitiful bunch of malcontents” unable to move on, and who, in an attempt to deflect attention drawn to the Catholic Church for decades of abuse actually pointed a finger at Orthodox Jewish Rabbis, saying, “[t]he most serious cases of the sexual abuse of minors currently taking place are among Orthodox Jewish rabbis in Brooklyn.”

READ: Catholic League: AIDS Is A “Self-Inflicted Wound”

Donohue actually contacted NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, and said, if Madonna were the half time star, “Christians (especially Catholics) would have every reason to complain. It would not only expose a double standard—it would be seen as a slap in their face. And from the response we have garnered, it seems plain that many would be offended.”

Many, apparently, is a rather undefined number.

Now, Donohue is threatening Goodell again:

The ball is now in Goodell’s court. Unfortunately for him, he no longer has control of it—Madonna does. Now let’s see if she behaves. If she doesn’t, Goodell will have to answer to all Americans.

Next week, perhaps Donohue will threaten “American Idol”? Or, perhaps, Lady Gaga? Oh wait, he’s already done that, suggesting she wants to be raped.

The Catholic League: giving good Catholics a bad name, since 1973.

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