Straight Righteous Christians Are The Titanic, Homosexuality The Iceberg

Straight Righteous Christians Are The Titanic, Homosexuality Is The Iceberg In New Truth That Transforms Film From Religious Right Anti-Gay Bigots

A new film portrays heterosexual, righteous, “moral” Christians as the Titanic, and homosexuality, aka the “radical homosexua agenda” as the iceberg. The Truth that Transforms short film features some B-list leaders of the anti-gay movement, including Jennifer Kennedy Cassidy and Jerry Newcombe of Truth in Action Ministries, Mathew Staver of Liberty Counsel, Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, right-wing historian Bill Federer, radio talk show host and author Michael Brown, and pastors Harry Jackson, Robert Jeffress and Erwin Lutzer, as Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch reports:

Staver warned that the “homosexual agenda is the moral iceberg that we need to steer clear of” and maintained that it is “the biggest threat I believe in our lifetime to religious freedom and the fundamental values we share here in America.” While Jackson said the “homosexual agenda” is “one of those icebergs that if we don’t navigate around them correctly, will take us under,” Brown claimed “we’ve already hit the iceberg and the ship is already going down” and Land insisted that “we’re taking on water, the only question is whether or not we’re going to be able to survive and the ship won’t sink.” Staver predicted that opposition to gay rights is bound to be “criminalized and targeted for assault” and Federer even asserted that “there are just a couple steps before the military could be used in a persecution of those that are viewed as enemies of the new state belief system.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center has called at least two of the above groups some of the “nastiest gay-bashers in America.”

This preview shows Religious Right leaders warning that their “right” to demonize gay people will be taken away as equality flows through the nation. They even claim that we are “a couple of steps” away from the military being used to persecute Christians who don’t support the rights of gay people to live our lives equally.

Of course, let us state the obvious.

The Titanic was destroyed by the iceberg because it was structurally unsound, its designers, builders, were arrogant, those in charge of the ship were uneducated and ill-prepared, and had they merely been looking far enough ahead and listening to the messages they were receiving they might have survived. Oh, and it’s the iceberg that is natural and created by mother nature.

Good Lord, how stupid are these folks?

History does repeat itself.

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