Star Parker: Obama Hurting Racist Blacks Who Want Special Rights

Star Parker, the African-American conservative columnist who recently said slavery was healthier for the Black family, now is attacking President Obama and suggesting blacks in America want not equal treatment but “special treatment,” and adding that when it comes to racism, “blacks themselves have been the ones having the hardest time letting it go.”

As the saying goes, with friends like these…

“For black political culture that dominated after the civil rights movement, the point was not just equal treatment under the law, but special treatment under the law. Plus the assumption that more black political power — defined by more blacks holding office — would mean that blacks would be better off,” Parker writes today in Human Events.

“In other words, post-civil rights movement black political culture embraced an agenda exactly the opposite of what the civil rights movement was about. Its agenda was to get laws and policies that were not neutral but racially slanted and to put individuals in power based on their race and not on their character and capability.”

Parker adds:

“And it happens that the bad policies that have always failed are the big government liberalism that has defined modern black politics.

“With further thought, blacks might realize it’s this same flawed idea — that growing government and electing black politicians would make blacks better off — that explains why blacks have remained disproportionately ‘hurting’.”

So, according to Parker’s ideas, American should be a nation ruled by white slave owning politicians in order for African Americans in America to actually do better?

The mind reels.

Parker’s bio states she “is founder and president of CURE, the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, a 501c3 think tank which explores and promotes market based public policy to fight poverty, as well as author of the newly revised Uncle Sam’s Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves America’s Poor and What We Can do About It.”

Evidently, what Parker thinks “we can do about it” is to get blacks out of politics and off the “government dole,” as some like to say.

Can you imagine an America with no black politicians and without the social safety nets of social security, Medicare, and Medicaid? Parker can, and does.


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