Star Parker: Black Family Life Was More Healthy Under Slavery

Syndicated columnist Star Parker tells Tim Wildmon of the American Family Association (AFA) and Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council (FRC) that the black family under slavery “was more healthy than it is today.”

How can anyone think being a (presumably) intact family owned by another family, in which you are property, get beaten, raped, work until you drop, have no right to marry, own property, vote, or participate in democracy, etc., is more healthy than what African American families today have Just imagine what that did to children?


Parker, an African-American, actually believes that?

This is the same Star Parker who wrote just last week that “Allen West has been quite the gentleman,” in dealing with Debbie Wasserman Schultz.


And this is the same Star Parker who has no problem appearing on a talk radio show with the head of two certified hate groups, the AFA and the FRC.


And this is the same Star Parker who wrote, “Bachmann correct about cutting minimum wage.”



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