Sodomite Schools Bill? Homosexual Bonus Pay For LGBT Soldiers? Gays Stealing Kids?

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Ordained Pentecostal Minister Gordon Klingenschmitt claims that Democratic U.S. Senator Al Franken is sponsoring a “Sodomite Schools Bill,” President Barack Obama is working on creating “homosexual bonus pay” for LGBT service members in same-sex relationships, and gay people are “stealing” kids and want to “recruit children into homosexuality.”

Klingenschmitt, who yesterday claimed that Jesus predicted man would vote for same-sex marriage as a sign of the end times, has also claimed  he “exorcised” the “sin” of homosexuality from many gay and lesbian service members while serving as a Navy Chaplain.

“Al Franken should not be in the U.S. Senate but anyway he’s promoting what they call, it’s misnamed, the ‘Safe Schools Bill’ which really is a ‘Sodomite Schools Bill,’ he’s trying to recruit and enforce homosexual education standards upon all fifty states to require that teachers facilitate what they call tolerance of sodomy, of sin, in the public school classroom,” Klingenschmitt said yesterday on City on a Hill Radio, an hour-long Blog Talk Radio episode with Pastor Michael Clark:

“They want to teach children, not just in health education classes but as young as kindergarten, as young as first grade, that homosexuality is really not a sin, that it’s okay, that we should be tolerant, and if the teachers don’t teach those lectures they would lose their public school funding.”

“So this is already a bill that’s gaining steam in the United States Senate, I think he has forty-two cosponsors who are U.S. Senators who are trying to homosexualize our schools, and we are demanding, in fact we are petitioning Congress and sending faxes after faxes, to stop the homosexual agenda and kill the Al Franken bill that would promote sodomy in our public school systems.”

Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch, who published this transcript and the audio clips, notes that Klingenschmitt “warned that the Obama administration will soon allow gay and lesbian service members in relationships to collect ‘homosexual bonus pay’ and ‘homosexualize base houses’ and ‘have gay pride parades on the flight line’ on air force bases.” Tashman writes:

Klingenschmitt went on to maintain that gay couples adopting children are committing “child abuse” and only adopt with the goal of “recruiting them into the homosexual lifestyle.” “That’s why they’re trying to get into our kindergarten books and trying to take over our public schools and homosexualize our public education so that they can recruit children into homosexuality and maintain their pool of available sex partners for their own progeny,” he said, “which is our children that they are stealing and warping their minds.”

Klingenschmitt also — disgustingly — says that “adoption of any child by a homosexual couple is child abuse and children need to be protected from that.”

“There have been studies out now that say up to twenty-eight percent of children who are raised by homosexual couples will become homosexual themselves so that’s a recruiting effort, it’s warping the minds of our younger generation, it is directly recruiting them into the homosexual lifestyle. Why? Because if they don’t recruit the children of heterosexual couples, they cannot replenish their population.”

There was an elaborate discussion about how moms and dads with brown hair likely will have children with brown hair, but two dads won’t have a child with brown hair — or any child at all.

“The only way they have children is to recruit or in this case adopt the children of heterosexual couples which amounts to child abuse and child recruiting. That’s why they’re trying to get into our kindergarten books and trying to take over our public schools and homosexualize our public education so that they can recruit children into homosexuality and maintain their pool of available sex partners for their own progeny, which is our children that they are stealing and warping their minds.”

Head over to Right Wing Watch to listen to the appropriate segments.

Or, you can buy Klingenschmitt’s book, The Demons of Barack H. Obama: How the Gift of Discerning of Spirits Reveals Unseen Forces Influencing American Politics, and pull up a chair and listen to the entire hatefest, filled with lies and stupidity, here:


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