So When Is Elliot Spitzer Going To Call Harold Ford’s Views ‘Wrong’ and ‘Malleable’ Too?

Over the weekend, former New York Governor Elliot “I had $80,000 worth of adulterous sex with prostitutes with my socks on but condom off” Spitzer said that current New York Senator (and huge gay rights supporter) Kristin Gillibrand’s “views on issues are either wrong or too malleable.”

Continuing, he said,

“We need people in leadership now who know what they believe, who are willing to stand up and state what they believe and make tough decisions on critical issues relating to the economy, civil rights, issues of crime and punishment, guns, same-sex marriage.”

Now that former Tennessee Congressman and current chair of the Democratic Leadership Council (known in these pages as the “Blue Dog House”) Chair Harold Ford flip-flopped his views on same-sex marriage – just as he’s preparing to challenge Gillibrand for her seat – when will Elliot Spitzer call Ford out and say his “views on issues are either wrong or too malleable?”

Fair is fair…

By the way, read (you must!) what David Mixner has to say about Harold Ford, in “Does Harold Ford Think The LGBT Community Is Stupid?” Hint: the first line is, “Well, we knew it would only take a couple of days before Harold Ford shouted to the skies “Praise Jesus, I am for gay marriage.”

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