So, Actual Obama Voter Fraud.

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After months of the GOP warning of voter fraud, creating laws to protect voters by forcing them to obtain and present photo ID before voting, and shortening or canceling early voting days, forcing voters to stand in long lines for hours, there is finally evidence of actual Obama voter fraud.

READ: ‘Unskewed Polls’ Creator Says Obama Stole Election

The polls closed last night, after the White House told Americans to vote for the Thanksgiving turkey they wanted President Obama to pardon. The people voted, and not only did President Obama not reveal which turkey won the official Thanksgiving pardon, but Obama — in typical passive, liberal fashion — is going to pardon both turkeys in a ceremony at 2:00 PM today, which you can watch live below.

Democratic President John F. Kennedy was the first president to pardon a turkey. Now, the Democrats, just like with same-sex marriage, are trying to extend the turkey pardon to everyone.

This country is in serious trouble, and this President is leading the way, forward.


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