Slam Dunk: America Awards President High Marks On Handling Of Hurricane

America’s likely voters handed President Obama a slam-dunk hands-down thumbs-up win on his handling of Hurricane Sandy. The Commander In Chief was given a 78% approval rating on his performance, while only 44% of likely voters thought Mitt Romney‘s performance was excellent or very good.

The Washington Post-ABC News poll, taken Oct. 27-30, of 1,288 likely voters.

READ: Obama Goes To Red Cross To Thank Them. Romney Tells Red Cross To Break Their Rules For His Campaign.

Romney has been seen as opportunistic in the face of the hurricane, while New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, whose state has been devastated by Hurricane Sandy, has been saying all week that President Obama “has been great,” and “all over” the hurricane.

Romney also took heat this week after the media reported Romney is sending the supplies he asked supporters to bring to his “non-political” event only to victims of Hurricane Sandy in swing states he can win, adding New Jersey to the list after twisting the Red Cross’ arm. News also came that the Romney campaign bought supplies instead of donating cash to the Red Cross, for a photo op, which was what his “non-political” event was yesterday. The Red Cross has rules barring them from accepting donations of supplies, because of the logistical and manpower issues associated with odd supplies.


Obama Addresses Nation On Hurricane: ‘Election Will Take Care Of Itself’

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