Skip Dinner Out Tonight To Help Make Marriage Equality A Reality

The Four, a new social media campaign in support of marriage equality in the four states where it is on the ballot this November — Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington – today is sponsoring a coordinated “Moneybomb for Equality campaign,” and The New Civil Rights Movement is joining with other sites to help raise money and awareness.

Via The Four:

This November, there are four states with marriage on the ballot and we have a chance to win them all, if there is enough money to match our opposition dollar for dollar. To make it simple, we’ve created a way for you to donate to the pro-equality groups in all four states – Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington – all at once. However much you like — split any way you like. Election Day is right around the corner — every dollar counts.

Will you make a contribution to any or all of the four states and make marriage happen?

Thanks for helping.

Isn’t making marriage equality a reality worth staying home instead of eating out tonight?

We should note that while voters will decide whether or not to allow same-sex marriage to become legal in Maine, Maryland, and Washington, as we’ve been reporting, voters in Minnesota will decide whether or not to add an amendment to their constitution permanently banning same-sex marriage.

Help spread the word. On Twitter, use the hashtag #25out25in

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