Shocking Video – Occupy Wall Street: NYPD Drag Girl By Hair, Handcuff, Arrest Her

You must watch this shocking video of NYPD police brutality forced on protestors for no apparent reason. A girl or young woman is on the ground in the street and is being dragged by police officers, first, according to reports, by the hair, then, apparently, by her backpack. She clearly is not resisting arrest, nor is she fighting them.

Protestors and passersby are incensed, and shout, “Shame! Shame! Shame!,” “Help her! Help her!,” and later, one can be heard saying, “Men don’t do that shit.” Then the crowd can be heard yelling, Boo! Boo! Boo!”

This video is a frightening display of NYPD total lack of regard for the citizens of New York City. Expect far more, far worse, soon.


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