Shameless Solmonese Takes Credit For Leading Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Fight


Joe Solmonese, the head of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), just sits there as MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell starts off this segment today by saying Solmonese “really led this fight.”


‘Cause I’m thinking of all the folks at Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN), Servicemembers United (SU), GetEQUAL, Dan Choi, Justin Elzie, Eric Alva, Adam Bink, Keith Meinhold, Victor Fehrenbach… And that’s just for starters! I could list 100 more off the top of my head.

Joe Solmonese and HRC, yes, deserve some of the credit, just as we were all ready to hand them blame, we cannot take credit away from Joe or HRC. (I know some The New Civil Rights Movement readers can. In fact 82% of you voted to have Joe fired if we lost DADT repeal.) But I cannot think of one single solitary person, with the possible exception of the ill-informed Andrea Mitchell, who thinks Solmonese “led this fight.”


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