Senator Gillibrand: “Join The Fight For Marriage Equality In NY”

Editor’s note: Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) has been one of our strongest supporters ever in the U.S. Senate. I met the Senator two years ago, and heard her speak. She is the real deal. She knows us, knows and understands our issues, and stands tall and proud with her LGBT constituents and our allies for full LGBT equality.

In this piece written by Senator Gillibrand, which her office asked us to share with you, she is calling on all New Yorkers to visit her FriendFactor page to call their state Senator and get them to vote “yes” on marriage equality!


In the coming weeks, New York State has a historic opportunity to pass marriage equality. We’ve tried before, as recently as 2009, but we came up just short. But this time, the wind is at our backs and every day it feels like momentum is building.

The timing couldn’t be better for passage of marriage equality in New York. Polls consistently show majority support among New Yorkers for marriage. And Governor Cuomo, who is working hard to build a coalition of support and lobby lawmakers, has called for a vote in the state legislature before the current term ends at the end of June.

But we’re not there yet. As we learned from the experience in 2009, as well as what happened in California and Maine, you can never take anything for granted and we must never underestimate our opposition. So I need your help. So many of my constituents  — straight and LGBT alike — are counting on you.

Like Grace from Huntington, NY, who told her story on DFA’s repeal DOMA petition page:


My partner of almost 15 years and I would like to marry.  Our families support us and want this for us as well. My mother would love nothing more than to walk her daughter down the aisle and marry the person she loves.

And Trevor from New York City:


My fiance and I live in New York.  We are planning on getting married September 17th of this year in New York.  Right now, we will have to travel to Connecticut at some point before that day, get married in a civil ceremony in a state that is not our own.  We love being New Yorkers and would love to get married in our home state and have marriage be the real deal.

And Joy from Chappaqua,:


My partner and I have lived in Westchester County, NY for 14 years.  We are raising a 16 year old son and a 7 year old daughter…we work and live in the area and have been fully accepted and integrated.  My children’s generation thinks nothing of the make up of our family and sees only a family…isn’t it time for the rest of us to do the same!!!!!

And Steve from Westfield:


Two of the most wonderful loving men I know are getting married in New York State in September—-let’s make it legal!

Can you help me deliver marriage equality for Grace, Trevor, Joy, Steve and all New Yorkers?

Here’s what you can do:

1. Please call your State Senator and ask him or her to vote YES. It doesn’t matter whether you know your Senator is a definite yes, a definite no or on the fence. I want the YESES to outweigh the NOS in EVERY district throughout the state.

To make a call is simple. Just go to my Friendfactor friendsetter page, enter in your information and the calling tool will connect you with your state senator. My goal is to generate 250 calls. I hope you’ll help me reach my goal.

2. In addition, please forward this blog post to your friends and family here in NY, share it on Facebook and tweet it to all your friends.

3. Also, if you can, please contribute whatever you can afford to New Yorkers United For Marriage to keep their excellent ad up on the air.

I know the only way marriage equality will pass in New York is if the grassroots rises up and demands it and that’s what I’m asking of you today. Thank you so much for all your extraordinary activism on this issue. I know that like me, you believe that every New Yorker – and every American – deserves to marry the person they love.

Together, in a few weeks, I know we can make that a reality for all New Yorkers.


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