Sean Penn: Tea Party Wants To Lynch Obama (Video)

Sean Penn told Piers Morgan on Friday that he believes the Tea Party wants to lynch President Obama, and described the nascent movement as the “get ‘the N word’ out of the White House” party, labeling them a “distraction.” Penn, a long-time activist, as well as famous actor, also discussed economics, immigration, health care, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

READ: Tea Party, GOP Leader Who Sent Racist Obama-As-A-Monkey Email Won’t Quit

Penn said he would love to see Obama act like a one-term president and take on the big issues from a passionate and (presumably) progressive position, and that will allow him to become a two-term president.


Sean Hannity tweeted in response, “Sean Penn is so eloquent – NOT!,” apparently believing himself to be so…

More Sean Penn (not embedabble) video at CNN and Piers Morgan’s site, and YouTube.

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