Scott Lively: I Will Be ‘Plundering’ Progressive Base To Win Governor Race

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Scott Lively, the anti-gay religious extremist many credit for creating Uganda‘s “Kill The Gays” bill, says he will be “plundering” the Progressive base to win the Massachusetts governor’s race. Lively states he can convince ethnic minorities, labor unions, and environmentalists to vote for him.

READ: Scott Lively: Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill’s Expected Passage A ‘Huge Blessing’

Noting that “Lively has posted a manifesto explaining how this new coalition would work as Religious Right activists,” Right Wing Watch reports that Lively “apparently thinks he can win by creating a third party coalition by merging anti-gay Religious Right activists with ‘the grassroots of the progressive movement’.”

On his blog, Lively has posted a manifesto explaining how this new coalition would work as Religious Right activists leave the corporate GOP and set about “plundering the ‘Progressive’ base” by winning over Blacks, Hispanics, libertarians, environmentalists, and labor unions.

Lively of course has zero chance of winning any gubernatorial race in the United States (perhaps he can move to Uganda and run there?) but Massachusetts?


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