Save California: Ex-Gay Therapy Ban ‘Locking Children Into Homosexual Bondage’

Save California is fighting a California bill that seeks to ban therapists from performing so-called “ex-gay” or “reparative” therapy on children, by claiming it is “locking children into homosexual bondage.” Randy Thomasson, head of the newly-certified anti-gay hate group adds that the bill, SB 1172, demonstrates a “lack of love for children suffering from gender confusion disorder, who’ve often been molested and become confused as a result.”

Thomasson is claiming that LGBTQ children are not “born this way,” but rather, they are sexual molestation victims and merely “confused” about their gender.

“The Democrats pushing this bill on behalf of homosexual activists want to lock children into thinking they are ‘homosexual,’ when these kids’ gender confusion often results from an attack by a sexual perpetrator,” Thomasson’s alert falsely claims.

Welcome to the pro-life, pro-family, pro-children way of thinking.

There is zero evidence that LGBTQ children or adults are LGBTQ because they were sexually molested. And IF that were true, why isn’t Thomasson working to reduce sexual abuse, when there is a plethora of evidence that the vast majority of it comes from heterosexual men?

Via a Save California email alert, Thomasson urges supporters to call state lawmakers and “demand that he or she”:

“Speak against SB 1172 on the Assembly floor Thursday. This terrible bill prohibits loving parents from getting professional counseling for a sexually exploited son or daughter suffering from gender confusion, often at the hands of a perpetrator.”

Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch notes too that “Save California also recently launched a new page, “Not Born This Way” to expose the supposed “myths” about homosexuality.”

In May, Thomasson, advocating against California’s Harvey milk Day, claimed that Harvey Milk gave his boyfriends AIDS and as a result they committed suicide. And last year, Thomasson claimed 15-year old Larry King – who was shot to death – harassed and provoked his classmate killer, Thomasson then warned parents to get their kids into “godly schools.”

 Save California is on Facebook and Twitter.

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