Sarah Palin Quits Iowa Tea Party Rally, Christine O’Donnell Re-Invited

Sarah Palin was expected to headline Saturday’s Tea Party of America event in Iowa, “Restoring America,” but Palin has decided to quit the event. But before Palin signaled she would be a no-show, Christine O’Donnell was kicked off the program, as organizers said they had received many “emails from a lot of tea party folks that were very disappointed that she would be speaking,” adding, “We felt it was in the best interest of the movement.”

Now, it appears O’Donnell is back in, and Palin is out.

The Wall Street Journal just reported that “a person close the former Alaska governor” “cited ‘continual lying’ from event organizers at Tea Party of America, including a recent mixup over whether former U.S. Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell of Delaware would also speak.”

Ms. Palin is known for last-minute schedule changes that whip supporters and media across the country. But the latest decision is puzzling. Ms. Palin’s speech at the rally was viewed as her most high-profile appearance of the summer, fueling  speculation she was indeed plotting to run for the Republican presidential nomination.

Attendees were reportedly traveling from across the U.S. to attend the rally in Iowa, which holds the nation’s first nominating contest next year.

The former governor will now appear at a Friday event in Des Moines sponsored by the group Conservatives4Palin. It is currently scheduled for 8 p.m. at The Machine Shed Restaurant, though the location will probably have to be changed, the person close to Ms. Palin said. Ms. Palin is still scheduled to appear at a Tea Party Express tour stop Monday in New Hampshire.

Is this the final clue that Palin has no intention of running?

Or is it this?

Joe.My.God. reports that Public Policy Polling announced yesterday, “This is the last weekend Sarah Palin will be included in our polls if there’s still not a serious indication she’s running.”

Perhaps the best way to restore America is for Sarah Palin to keep quitting…


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