Santorum Slams Occupy Wall Street As “Everybody Who Doesn’t Pay Taxes”

Ramping up the rhetoric and lies, Rick Santorum yesterday toured New Hampshire, the “live free or die” state, and attacked gays and the Occupy Wall Street Movement, claiming the latter wasn’t defined as 99% or 1%, but rather, that the Occupy Movement included anyone who doesn’t pay taxes. Santorum took a swipe at President Obama in the attack as well, claiming the President wanted to “confiscate” the wealth of Americans, and stating Obama has divided the country, especially with his support of the Occupy Movement:

“This dividing of America, this ’99/1.’ You know it’s not 99/1. It’s anybody who makes money and pays taxes and everybody who doesn’t. That’s the 99/1. It’s anybody that goes out and succeeds in America, and those who should have that wealth redistributed. That’s the argument of this president. It’s about divide. It’s always about divide. And that’s why Americans are feeling frustrated, because we have a president who doesn’t understand us. Who doesn’t understand most Americans, most Americans are not envious of neighbors who have more money. They aspire to be successful like they are someday.”

Santorum concluded by claiming the reason “we have had such partisan divide is that we don’t have a president who understands what brings us together.”

It’s an interesting peek into the mind of radical religious Republican extremists like Santorum. He wants to speak for them, by foolishly claiming that they represent all of America.

They do not.

Most Americans are not anti-gay. Most Americans do not feel that they are having their wealth confiscated. Most Americans do not feel their religious rights are being oppressed. Most Americans do not feel government regulations are harming America.

In short, it’s Santorum who divides America, and does not understand what brings Americans together.



Still not sure?

Are you an “average American”?

Do these statements sound like something you would say, or even think? Because every one of them was uttered by Rick Santorum.

”I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them other people’s money.”

I find it almost remarkable for a black man to say ‘now we are going to decide who are people and who are not people.”

“If hunger is a problem in America, then why do we have an obesity problem among the people who we say have a hunger program?”

“[People don’t die because they don’t have health care.] People die in America because people die in America. And people make poor decisions with respect to their health and their healthcare. And they don’t go to the emergency room or they don’t go to the doctor when they need to.”

“Reason says that if you think it’s okay for two [individuals to marry], then you have to differentiate for me why it’s not okay for three.”

Gay marriage will effectively “execute” straight marriage, because “to redefine it then destroys it.”

‘The battle we’re engaged in right now on same-​sex marriage, ultimately that is the very foundation of our country, the family, what the family structure is going to look like. I’ll die on that hill.”

If you want to snap your finger and change things in America to eliminate poverty, the best way to do it is to go from families where there are two parents in the home as opposed to one.”

“It’s like saying this glass of water is a glass of beer. Well, you can call it a glass of beer, but it’s not a glass of beer. It’s a glass of water. And water is what water is. Marriage is what marriage is.”

“[If gay marriage were legal] We can flesh out some, well, let’s look at what’s going to be taught in our schools because now we have same sex couples being the same and their sexual activity being seen as equal and being affirmed by society as heterosexual couples and their activity.”

“So what is going to be taught to our people in health class in our schools? What is going to be taught to our children about who in our stories, even to little children — what are married couples? What families look like in America? So, you are going to have in our curriculum spread throughout our curriculum worldview that is fundamentally different than what is taught in schools today? Is that not a consequence of gay marriage?”

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