Santorum Slammed By Students At His Alma Mater Over Same-Sex Marriage

Rick Santorum was slammed by students at Penn State yesterday during a discussion on same-sex marriage. In this video (below), Santorum complains that CNN host Piers Morgan called him a “bigot,” for his stance on homosexuality and marriage equality. Students were apparently not supportive of Santorum’s bigotry, as one raised his fist in the air supporting a fellow student’s attack on the former University of Pennsylvania graduate and former Pennsylvania Senator. Santorum also uses a bridge over a swamp analogy for same-sex marriage equality, and at one point falsely claims that second-graders are being taught about “gay sex.”

“Why don’t you find protection for gay marriage in the Equal Protection Clause and the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments?” Santorum is asked. (The 2:05 mark in the video.)

“I don’t find it there because I’m not an activist who looks at Supreme Court and the Constitution as a way to justify my own personal beliefs and imposing them on the rest of society. I don’t think that’s what the Constitution is there for.”

Santorum goes on and on about his perception of marriage and does his metaphysical “marriage is not a napkin” speech. He adds that Marriage “is a privilege given out by government that gives government benefits to people who are recognized by the government. It’s not a right.”

“It is a completely natural and right institution. And government recognized that. They recognized the value that having men and women married, raising children, is the best possible place for children to be raised. You want to look at the social science on that? Don’t even try if you disagree with me.”

Later, Santorum engages in this interaction:

“I had Piers Morgan call me a bigot! Because I believe what the Catholic Church teaches with respect to homosexuality — I’m a bigot. So, now I’m a bigot, because I believe what the Bible teaches. Now, what two thousand years of, of teaching and moral theology is now bigoted! And, of course, we don’t elect bigots to office, we don’t give them professional licenses, we don’t give them preferential tax treatment. If you’re a preacher and you preach bigoted things, you think you’re going to be allowed to have a 501(c)3 as a church? Of course not! No, this has profound consequence, to the entire moral ecology of America!”

Santorum actually says, “Does anybody make the argument as to why this is right? I don’t hear those arguments!”

(Rick, we’ve been making those arguments 24/7 for years. If you don’t hear them perhaps you should log on to the Internet. I hear Google is a pretty good place to start.)

One student took great umbrage to Santorum’s bigoted preaching, and said, “It is extremely unfair for you to say that there are no social science reports that suggest that children are okay in a same-sex relationship.” As she begins this sentence, watch the young man in jacket and tie to Santorum’s right raise his fist in the air.

“There are plenty of statistical studies, and they are just as happy and successful and everything else as long as they have two parents.”

“I see,” replies Santorum, clearly aware he is losing this group.

“The American Psychological Association…,” the student starts to say.

“I understand…” Santorum repeatedly, dismissively states.

“The American Psychological Association has enumerated — 1974, that gay marriage…,” she continues.

Santorum interrupts, blasting the American Psychological Association (APA).

“Yes, but the American Psychological Association is made up of people who agree with the American Psychological Association! Just like the AMA is made up of…”

Santorum goes on to denigrate the AMA and other professional organizations, moments after he was concerned about not being able to join them because he is called a bigot!

“All these associations prove is that they have a point of view and the people who join them agree with that point of view… That’s not evidence!”

Santorum moves the interaction from discussion to argument. So much for the youth vote!

Index of Questions:

00:18 – Do you believe that you are a viable presidential candidate, and at what point would you consider dropping out of the race?

02:11 – Why don’t you find protection for gay marriage in the Equal Protection Clause and the Due Process Clause of the 14th and 15th Amendments?

06:36 – How would you respond to those who say that your belief system is “archaic” and “out-of-date”?

11:53 – If you are elected president, to what extent will you reflect your beliefs on American society?

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