Santorum Retracts Previous Condemnation Of Audience Booing Gay Soldier?

Has Rick Santorum has retracted his condemnation of the audience members who booed a gay soldier Thursday night at the GOP Fox News/Google presidential debate? On Thursday, gay Army soldier Stephen Hill posed a question about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell via YouTube, and was booed by some members of the Republican audience. The booing of a United States service member drew harsh criticism, but harsher words ricocheted after not a single Republican presidential candidate rebuked the audience for their unpatriotic behavior. One Friday, in an interview with Fox News anchor and GOP debate moderator Megyn Kelly, Santorum wisely stated,  “I condemn the people who booed that gay soldier,” while claiming he didn’t hear the boos from the audience.

WATCH: Rick Santorum: “I Condemn The People Who Booed That Gay Soldier” (Video)

But just hours later, Santorum quickly changed his tune. In a subsequent ABC News interview, fresh on the heels of Fox News’ Kelly ending the segment with, “to me, it wasn’t clear if they were booing the soldier or the policy that they did not support,” Santorum told ABC reporters,

“I heard the question and answered the question, so I’ve heard subsequently that happened. I’ve heard varied reports about whether they were booing the soldier or the policy.”

“I don’t know what they were booing,” he said. “If you can go out and find the people who were booing and find out if they were booing because a man was gay or because of a policy they don’t agree with.”

“You find out why they booed, and I’ll respond to your question.”

Notice in the video, that last comment is with a smirk.

Also note that Santorum goes as far with ABC as saying that he would never boo a soldier, but refuses to condemn the booing itself — or the people in the audience booing.

So much for honor. So much for respect — of both the U.S. military and of the LGBT community.

READ: For Santorum Gays In The Military Reveals Commander In Chief Inadequacy

Clearly, Santorum has decided that disrespecting a gay man plays far better to the base than respecting a U.S. Army soldier — which speaks volumes about the Republican/Tea Party base — and clearly Santorum is willing to turn and twist what twisted morality he already wears into one that is unrecognizable as American, or humane.


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