Santorum: Obama An Appeaser Of Evil Who Favors Pornographers Over Kids

Rick Santorum just cannot help himself. Despite his cries that he does not spend most of his time talking about social issues, that’s exactly what he did yesterday, telling CNN’s Candy Crowley that President Barack Obama favors pornographers over children and families. Santorum also called the President the “Appeaser in Chief around the world with evil.”

Santorum also claims — offering zero proof — that Obama’s DOJ has not gone after pornographers as much as Bush did. When asked if he really believes that Obama favors pornographers over children and families, he didn’t give a straight answer.

Santorum knows he is in the perfect position. As the person behind Romney, Santorum can continue to say crazy things to rile up his base and to get more attention, without having to back his comments up if he were the frontrunner.

Nice work if you can get it.


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