Santorum: I Will Overturn Same-Sex Marriage In New York (Audio)

Republican Presidential candidate Rick Santorum threatened to come to New York and overturn same-sex marriage. I’m not really sure how the former Senator who now has no real role in politics, and no job at Fox News anymore, thinks he’s going to accomplish this, and I’m pretty sure Governor Cuomo and the 62 Senators and the 143 Assemblymen, regardless of their position, would have a hard time allowing him to, especially since, unlike in California, there’s no legislative path in New York to do so.

READ: Rick Santorum Suggests Government Should Have A Bias Against Gay Couples

Via Radio Iowa:

“I am not, as some in this race have said, OK with New York doing what they’re doing. What New York did was wrong. I will oppose it and I will go to New York, if necessary, to help overturn it,” Santorum said.

Santorum says same-sex marriage will “undermine every basic, traditional value” in the country.

“I’m for great latitude for the states to do a lot, but not anything,” Santorum says. “And this idea that the 10th amendment means there is no boundary to what the states can do is a mis-understanding of the 10th amendment and I will stand on that ground.”

Well, now Santorum will have LGBT rights advocates and allies, Libertarians, and Tea Party aficionados not voting for him.

READ: Rick Santorum’s Top Ten Most-​Offensive Anti-​Gay Comments


Santorum is famous for saying, “But what I can say is that the state is not doing a service to the child and to society by not putting that child in a home where there is a mother and a father. This is common sense. This is nature. And what we’re trying to do is defy nature because a certain group of people want to be affirmed by society. And I just don’t think that’s to the benefit of society or to the child.”

Rick Santorum, last month, while campaigning in Iowa told different crowds of supporters that same-​sex marriage will “cheapen” heterosexual marriage, and that marriage equality will “devastate” kids. While touring with fellow openly anti-​gay Republican, Rep. Steve King (R-​IA), also said same-​sex marriage would have a “devastating impact” on America’s children, families, and religious liberties.

Is there any wonder Rick Santorum is polling at 2%?

Video via Joe. My. God., Think Progress

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