Santorum: Gays Waging “Jihad” On My Anti-Gay, Anti-Constitutional Ideas

Rick Santorum is so wrong it’s embarrassing. In this video of a recent campaign stop, in which he appears to be talking to a fews dozen folks, Santorum wrongly says marriage was given to us since the beginning of time, and has been remarkably consistent since the beginning of time. Totally wrong. Marriage used to be one man and as many wives as he could afford. Even according to Rick’s Bible. Marriage used to be about property, or the uniting of kingdoms to prevent war. So, let’s be honest Ricky, OK?

But what’s worse is Santorum now admits he’s “taken on the gay community.” So, he admits he’s the one who’s waging a “jihad,” to use his own words, on us.

Who in the world wants an American president who speaks like this?

And, one has to ask, why is Santorum so incredibly excited tailing about this? He seems somewhere between gleeful and vengeful. And, on the edge.


(Hat tip to back2stonewall for the clip, and to OTMnow for making it available)

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