Santorum: Gay Marriage Will “Execute” Straight Marriage (Video)

Rick Santorum Wednesday evening said that gay marriage will effectively “execute” straight marriage, because “to redefine it then destroys it.”

Fox News political analyst Charles Krauthammer pointed to the fact that “rates of divorce and illegitimacy having been rising astronomically for half a century,” and asked Santorum, a GOP presidential candidate who is polling between 1% and 5%, “In what way is opposing gay marriage a defense of traditional marriage?”

Santorum said that just because “something is in trouble, and has been in trouble, clearly,” … “doesn’t mean you should execute it.”

“You can call a dog a cat. It’s not. Marriage is something. It’s from time immemorium [sic], a union between a man and a woman is an institution you can’t redefine, because it is something natural, in nature, of men and women coming together, having children, raising children for the benefit of society,” Santorum said. “It’s always been that way. To redefine it then destroys it.”

Krauthhammer starts to say, “But in Biblical times…” but Santorum won’t let him speak.

Clearly, Santorum is unfamiliar with the fact that “from time immemorium [sic],” marriage has been a contractual arrangement used to transfer property, i.e., women, to men, was used to bind and unite kingdoms and fortunes, and was often one man and as many wives as he could afford. Santorum, as no doubt Krauthammer was attempting to say, has no idea what he’s talking about. Recently, Santorum offered to give his life in the fight against same-sex marriage equality. And just days ago, Santorum claimed that his fight against same-​sex marriage equality was akin to Lincoln’s fight against slavery, and classified as “bullying” a Saturday Night Live skit that showed him in a gay bar as part of a GOP debate. For the record, bullying leads to youth and teen suicide, not free publicity on NBC.

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