Sandy Kills 75 But Trump Says ‘This Is A Very Sad Day’ Because Obama Didn’t Take His Bet

Donald Trump lamented today, in a video just released, that “this is a very, very sad day for the United States of America” — not because Hurricane Sandy killed at least 75 Americans — but because President Obama didn’t fall for his $5 million bet. In Donald Trump’s world, it seems, the world revolves around no one but Donald Trump.

Trump, after teasing the media, claiming he had actual “very big news” about President Obama, last week announced he would write a check to the charity of President Obama’s choice, for “five million dollars,” in exchange for the President’s release of his college transcripts, passport records, etc.

Trump was forced to extend the offer when not only did the President not respond, but during an interview with Jay Leno, said, jokingly, and somewhat mockingly:

“My issues with Donald Trump go back to our childhood together in Kenya. We had constant run-ins on the soccer field. He wasn’t very good and resented it. When we finally moved to America I thought it would be over.”

Trump’s response, not to the president, but to his own foolish bet, is this equally obnoxious and foolish video, during which he chastizes the President of the United States of America.

“All the President had to do is give simple documentation, simple paper, a few pages, and a charity would have gotten $5 million,” Trump complains, having never released any intimate and personal data about himself.

Trump spent the past few years embarrassing himself and the GOP by running on a “birther” platform.

So crass and inhumane is Donald Trump, that on Tuesday, in the middle of Hurricane Sandy, Trump took to Twitter to use, at that point, 17 people who had died during Sandy, to promote his failed $5 million challenge to President Obama.


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