Robo-Calling NOM Infiltrates New Hampshire State Legislature

“Colour me your colour, darling
I know who you are”


The New Hampshire Freedom To Marry Coalition reports that NOM, Maggie Gallagher‘s National Organization For Marriage, which gained notoriety recently for their much-parodied “The Gathering Storm” video demonizing gays and gay marriage, has been running anti-gay marriage ads on New Hampshire local radio stations. Worse, the Coalition says, “they are paying to generate ‘patch through calls’. This is a computer generated phone bank that enables them to get every person who opposes equality in our state, all 26% of the population patched through to their senator. This gives Senators the impression that all their constituents oppose marriage equality.”

Hence the disparity in perception. Last week, Democratic Senator Deborah Reynolds cast the deciding 3-2 vote that recommended the gay marriage bill not go to the full Senate. Her reason? Her state is “not ready” to accept gay marriage. Meanwhile, since 2003, a majority of New Hampshire residents are in favor of gay marriage, most recently, by a 55% to 39% margin.

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