Robertson: God To Punish US For Obama International LGBT Rights Doctrine

Pat Robertson proclaimed today that God will punish the United States for President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s new international LGBT rights doctrine. Tuesday, President Obama announced the U.S. would now include a foreign country’s policies and practices on gay rights into account when considering foreign aid, and stated that it is now U.S. policy to protect those who are jailed or harmed as a result of being gay, while Secretary Clinton delivered an historic speech in Geneva equating LGBT rights with human rights.

Of course Robertson equated this support of LGBT rights as an attack on Christians everywhere, and lambasted the administration for what he deemed Obama’s willingness to “violate God’s principles and to make a mockery of His laws.”

Robertson threatened that “when the blow comes, it’s going to be horrible.”

Just one month ago, Robertson called same-sex marriage an “abomination,” and said the Oklahoma earthquake was a sign from God that the End Times were coming.

Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch offers this video and transcript:



Robertson: “Isn’t it appalling that the United States of America would try to force the acceptance of homosexuality on other nations but at the same time we would not force them to take care of their religious minorities and they would permit discrimination and persecution of Christians? What kind of a country have we got? You know, there is a God in heaven and He is just. Thomas Jefferson, ‘I tremble when I remember that God is just.’ He is just, he is not going to allow this kind of thing to go on forever. This country cannot continue to violate God’s principles and to make a mockery of His laws and think we’re going to get away with it. And when the blow comes, it’s going to be horrible.”


Recently, Robertson said, “Halloween is Satan’s night, it’s the night for the devil,” and adds that, “we need the power of God not some kind of ersatz entertainment. We don’t believe in haunted, we don’t believe in ghosts, we don’t believe in all this business.”

Robertson also has said recently:

Don’t Join Occupy Wall Street But Protest The Same Issues

Republican Voters Are Pushing Party Too Far Right

The Anti-​Christ Is Islam

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