Right-Wing Conservative Kristol Says “Cool It” To DADT Repeal “Hysterics”

In The Weekly Standard, Rupert Murdoch’s “American neoconservative opinion magazine,” founder and editor (and, of course, Fox News contributor,) Bill Kristol (the man progressives, liberals, moderates, conservatives, and, most of all, NYT fact-checkers chased from his one-year stint as the conservative op-ed voice at the New York Times,) says, “cool it” to those on the right who are “hyperventilating… about the effects on the military of repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

In, “Don’t Fret, Don’t Whine,” Bill Kristol, (Palin’s talent scout,) today writes,

“Cassy Fiano, a conservative blogger whose Marine husband is serving in Afghanistan, asked last week: “At what point does concern [about the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell] turn into hysterics, and when does it become insulting to our honorable men and women in uniform?”

“Fiano’s advice to conservatives? Cool It. We join in her suggestion.

“Fiano was, as were we, opposed to the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. But she’s right to call out people like the “expert” commentator from the professional right who suggested that as many as half a million service members might quit as a result of repeal. And she’s right to lambaste the writer—a self-proclaimed admirer of the U.S. military—who argued that he now has no choice but to “actively encourage men and women to leave—in droves.”

“Fortunately, and needless to say, our men and women in uniform will ignore such “encouragement.” They’re made of much sterner stuff than some of their self-proclaimed admirers seem to think.

“As Fiano writes, it’s a “massive insult to our military” to assume that soldiers can’t handle the challenge of integrating openly gay troops.”


If you’re not yet convinced that Bill Kristol is the standard-bearer of the war-mongering, militarist, a neocon of neocons, a true right-wing, conservative, extremist, read this:

“Kristol is associated with a number of prominent conservative think tanks. He was chairman of the New Citizenship Project from 1997 to 2005. In 1997, he co-founded the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) with Robert Kagan. He is a member of the board of trustees for the free-market Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, a member of the Policy Advisory Board for the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and a director of the Foreign Policy Initiative. He is also one of the three board members of Keep America Safe, a think tank co-founded by Liz Cheney and Debra Burlingame, and serves on the board of the Emergency Committee for Israel.”

(and if you’re not yet convinced, then read the rest of it.)

If Bill Kristol can handle the truth, why are so many other conservatives and Republican politicians having such a problem?

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