Right Wing Calls For Impeachment Of Prop 8 Judge

The American Family Association and a Texas Tea Party group have called for the impeachment of U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker, who yesterday declared California’s Prop 8 unconstitutional on fourteenth amendment grounds.

The AFA, an extreme right-wing conservative Christian group that amid its lobbying efforts and other enterprises, owns 180 American Family Radio stations across 28 states, in a press release, says Walker is “an open homosexual, and should have recused himself from this case due to his obvious conflict of interest.” (I’ll let you sort out the logic there…)

They claim Walker, “frustrated the express will of seven million Californians who went to the polls to shape their state’s public policy on marriage,” and say Walker “has exceeded his constitutional authority and engaged in judicial tyranny.” (What, pray tell, is “judicial tyranny?”)

The AFA is using Walker in an attempt to promote more extreme right-wing candidates into the House of Representatives, which has the ability to impeach federal judges.

Meanwhile, the “TEA Party Rockwall,” a Facebook group seemingly based in Texas, writes to its 370 members,

“Homosexual activist Federal District Judge Vaughn Walker voids 7,000,000 voters with unconstitutional ruling on California Prop. 8. Remember in November and vote for Conservative Senatorial candidates. Let’s rid the Congress of liberal Democrats and RINO’s.”

“Join me in asking Congress to impeach liberal activist Judge Vaughn Walker. He failed his duty to ajudicate on the merits of the case and governing law. His ruling reflects his own homosexual viewpoint wholly foreign to the Constitution set forth by the founding fathers.”

it is utterly amazing how many people and organizations claim to support the U.S. Constitution, unless it says what they don’t like. Then, we have to impeach them!

Welcome to “the real America.”


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