Right Wing Anti-Gay Headline Of The Day

CNS News bills itself as the “news source for individuals, news organizations and broadcasters who put a higher premium on balance than spin and seek news that’s ignored or under-reported as a result of media bias by omission.”

So, of course, they published this afternoon (a day late, by the way — the ceremony was yesterday) this headline: “Obama Honors Gay Socialist, Lesbian Astronaut with Presidential Medal of Freedom.”


Because their chairman and founder is Brent Bozell III, the same radical religious right wingnut whose other “news” entity, the Culture And Media Institute, freaked out when J.Crew’s president painted her son’s toenails pink. Bozell himself, days before Christmas, 2011, said on Fox News that President Barack Obama looks like “a skinny, ghetto crackhead.”

This afternoon’s CNS article focuses on, of course, civil rights hero and posthumous Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient, the late Bayard Rustin. CNS repeatedly called him “Baynard Rustin” for a few hours, and included a photo of him with his life partner, which CNS News labels “Walter Naegle, Baynard Rustin’s gay lover,” until it was later entirely removed.

Here’s a screenshot:

Dr. Sally Ride isn’t given as much anti-gay hate as Rustin. Why? One might wonder…

The image of her life partner is titled “Tam O’Shaughnessy, partner of astronaut Sally Ride.”

But not to be outdone, one reader listed in the comments section 15 of the 16 recipients from yesterday’s ceremony, as:

Bill Clinton, the Impeached One
Oprah Winfrey, billionaire bigot
Daniel Inouye, late senator from Hawaii
Ben Bradlee, former executive editor of the Wash comPost.
Sally Ride, first lesbian in space
Richard Lugar, former senator from Indiana
Gloria Steinem, feminazi
Ernie Banks, retired baseball player
Bayard Rustin, gay special rights and socialism activist
Daniel Kahneman, psychologist, Nobel Prize winner in economics
Loretta Lynn, country music singer
Maria Molina, environmentalist working for Fox News
Arturo Sandoval, Cuban jazz player
Dean Smith, basketball coach
C.T. Vivian, racist minister

At least he spelled “Bayard” properly…

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