Rick Perry Endorser: Homosexuality A Population Control Plot

So now Christian extremists think homosexuality is a plot to control the population?

Texas Republican Governor Rick Perry, who is under fire for creating and headlining “The Response,” a nationwide “historic response” to “call upon Jesus to guide us through unprecedented struggles,” has accepted the endorsement of Dr. John Benefiel of the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network. Benefiel is listed prominently on The Response’s website. But Benefiel is also coming under attack for his extremist views on homosexuality, healthcare reform, and even the Statute of Liberty.

In this video, Benefiel says homosexuality is a population control plot by the Illuminati, who want to whittle down the world’s numbers from billions to millions. He likens the Democrats’ health care reform plan to a population control effort for our “culture of death.” Benefiel also cited “Baal,” a supposed “demonic god” who lays hold over homosexuality.

Benefiel has also called the Statue of Liberty a “demonic idol” and a “false goddess” created to turn Americans away from God.


“Homosexuality was and is one of [Baal’s] big strongholds. Now we’re not against homosexuals, but we are against homosexuality because the Bible very—clearly God says ‘I hate it, don’t do it.’ By the way, homosexuality is a great way to control the population. Do you understand? I’m serious about this and I’ve seen this in lots of places, that the entity that we call the Illuminati which is really over, above Free Masonry, has stated it as their goal…to limit the world population to no more than 500 million. Do you realize that means getting rid of all of us? Because there’s between 6 and 7 billion people in the world today, and to get from 6 to 7 billion down to 500 million you gonna have to kill a lot of people off. What do you think the health care bill is? Oh yes, it’s a death culture. What about homosexuality, that’s a great way to limit the population. It’s not a great way it’s a perverted way, isn’t it.”

Transcript and video from the good folks at Right Wing Watch.


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