Republican Running For Weiner Congress Seat Using 9/11 Anti-Islam Anti-Obama Ad

Bob Turner, the Republican candidate running in a special election for Anthony Weiner’s former Congressional seat, is using a nasty, anti-Islam, anti-Mosque, anti-Obama 9/11 themed attack ad on his Democratic opponent, David Weprin. Weprin is ahead by six points in the latest poll. The special election is September 13.

Thursday, Celeste Katz at the New York Daily News wrote,

Turner’s going right for the jugular on this one, saying Weprin supported (or at least didn’t protest) the building of such a mosque. This, of course, echoes some of what we heard and saw during the 2010 gubernatorial, when the Park51/Cordoba House issue was thrown around like the political hot potato it was.

Here’s the voiceover: “It’s been ten short years. Everyone remembers. Some, though, want to commemorate the tragedy by building a mosque on Ground Zero. President Obama thinks that’s a good idea. And so does Congressional candidate David Weprin. [Weprin video: “I support the right of the mosque to build.”] Bob Turner says no. He knows Obama and Weprin are wrong. September 13th, send a message. Bob Turner for Congress.”

Today, Katz adds,

“I thought it was particularly offensive to use 9/11 imagery before the 10th anniversary for political purposes,” congressional hopeful David Weprin told the Daily News. “It’s not even an issue that’s relevant at this time.”

“That was one line out of a very thoughtful answer to a question,” he said. “Basically I stated a fact, and it was taken out of context … They have every legal right to build a mosque in that location. Having said that, I also discussed that there were sensitivities with the 9/11 families and, if some accomodation could be made in that regard, that would have been preferable at the time.”

“It sounds to me like he’s trying to pander again,” Weprin added, alluding to the News’ report today in which Turner admitted to blatantly pandering for votes.

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